spring/summer 2025
open call
Applications for Spring/Summer 2025 are now closed. Selected artists will be notified by 25th November 2024.
Our International Residency Programme welcomes artists from different disciplines to stay from 1 or 2 months. We will favour artists who have researched and propose projects suitable to the residency and the surrounding environment.
The provisional residency periods for Spring/Summer 2025 are as following:
APR/MAY (8th April - 3rd June)
JUN/JUL (12th June - 5th August)
SEPT (3rd-30th September)
Preferred dates and duration of stay are asked on the application form. If you would like to apply for alternative dates please let us know. Your flexibility in dates is greatly appreciated and helps us schedule.
Make sure you read and familiarise yourself with the program and the residency guidelines before applying.

The residency includes
Programme of Activities and Support
Acreditamos que o diálogo é importante para uma prática de estúdio rica, e o programa de residência foi desenvolvido com isto em mente. Ao organizar actividades mensais, os artistas têm a oportunidade de se envolverem uns com os outros e desenvolverem novos contactos. As actividades incluem:
Group presentations and critiques
Curatorial guidance
Final exhibition in the gallery at PADA
Technical assistance and workshop induction
Documentation of the group show
Production of individual films for each artist documenting their studio practice
Visits to museums, galleries and/or art studios in Lisbon led by PADA
History Presentation by the Industrial Museum and Tour of the Industrial Park
Opportunity to propose site-specific projects, presentations, workshops and other projects
40 m2 open studio
Accommodation in a private double bedroom
Access to all PADA Studios facilities, including gallery and workshop
Access to the restricted areas of the Industrial Park
How to apply
A candidatura é efectuada através de um convite aberto.
This Open Call deadline is 15th November and artists will be notified by 25th November, 2024.
This is what you will need to apply and begin your preparations (updated may occur until the open call is officially opened).
Cover letter (max. 300 words)
Include name, email, address, phone number & nationality/where you are basedDatas preferenciais e duração da estadia (1 - 2 meses)
Artist’s statement (max. 300 words)
Describe your practice/research and areas of interestProject proposal (max. 300 words)
Outline your residency project, motivation & expectationsDeclaração de sustentabilidade
Algumas frases sobre como o seu projecto irá minimizar o seu impacto no ambientePortfolio (5 -10 images)
Include dimensions, technique, title and dateCV
Critérios de selecção
• Quality and commitment of work
• Applications that take into consideration PADA´s unique location and facilities
• Unique perspective and approach
• Interest and willingness to work and live in a community of artists
• Clarity and focus of proposal
Após a candidatura
Seleccionaremos os Artistas com base no seu trabalho, CV e projecto proposto.
Artists will be informed by the 25th November about the success of the application.
After receiving the invitation the artist will be asked to pay a 50% deposit to hold their place in the program within 14 days. The deposit is not refundable in case of short cancellation.
We encourage artists to apply for individual funding to cover the residency costs. Make sure to inform us as soon as possible when applying for funding. We help all successful applicants with letters of support.
Residencies are for an agreed period between 1 or 2 months and will begin and end in the indicated dates, so artists should arrange transport to arrive or depart accordingly.
Se tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em contactar-nos.